The Homes for Homes Story
Homes for Homes was founded by Jonathan Harris and Mike Smalling as an extension of their passion for homes and desire to help others receive a home. After a trip to Uganda, they began planning to help some of the families they had met. The model was simple: to engage their partners in the real estate community to give a portion of their income to build homes for families in developing countries.
In a short amount of time, individuals and companies made generosity a part of their business model by giving to Homes for Homes. Now, donors from all walks of life are giving to provide homes to families in need. We are currently working in 4 countries with ministry partners that know and serve the people of their communities.
The heart for our ministry stems from Isaiah 32:18 where God says
“My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”
By providing a home, we are working to preserve families and allow them to raise their children in a safe, healthy environment.
We believe that we are global citizens connecting to a purpose bigger than ourselves.
We believe that a home is the foundation of a family’s future. Safe and secure housing positively impacts multiple generations of a family and allows them to raise their children in a better environment.
We believe in family preservation and the protection of widows and orphans. This is where true community transformation begins.
We believe in providing a home with no strings attached. By meeting the physical needs of people, it is our hope that they are open to their spiritual needs being met as well.